Thursday, 9 August 2012

SOME WORDS..............


1. 用服裝紀錄跨越60年代到80年代的藝術思維,結合老子中心思想,放進21世紀甚至未來的一段成長過程和思維演變。我們要感謝這一過程的激烈。。。。感謝我們生活在科學與技術高速發展的時代,有機會挖掘更美好的事物。感謝所有藝術家及思想家所帶給我們的靈魂衝擊。這是我們至今一直無法停止的創作原因,只因想帶給人類真實的觸動。

2. 服裝上,我們創作在不同時期有不同的表現方式,但都基於一個概念,極簡的結構能最直接最有效的傳達訊息。在我們的服裝最深處可以隱約看出我們自己。

最後,我們既沒有刻意也沒有偽裝,能讓這個世界多一份真實及感動對 [Fu yue 甫月] 來說是比服裝本身更有意義的追求。

The followings are what we have been trying to attend through our collections and we would love to share with our beloved fans:

1. Attend to use clothing designs to record the artistic characteristics across the 1960's to the 1980's, combined with ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu's cerebrations as our motif and blended in with the 21st century's or even the anticipated upcoming future's evolutions toward to intellections.

We are grateful of the intense evolution processes.
We are grateful to live in the era of rapid development of science and technology to have us to have the opportunities to discover more beauties in the living life.
We are grateful to all the impacts to our souls from all the great artists and philosophers.

All these great impacts in life have driven us to never stop creating. We would like to strike people just like the way we have been touched.

2. In regards to clothing designs, our designs may have different manifestations at different collections, but they would be all based on a very same concept: Minimalist structures are the most direct and effective design path to pass on our messages across. Through our clothing designs, the wearer would be able to see us vaguely.

Finally, we are not trying to be deliberated or disguised, to add on a real touch to the world would be more meaningful.

**Respect to photographer Diane Arbus and artist Jean Michel Basquiat**